Internal Ballet Scholarship
It has long been a part of KS Dance tradition to have the privilege of awarding the Cyril Beaumont Ballet Scholarship to one student. This internal competition offers the opportunity for students to demonstrate their talent and potential in Classical Ballet to a panel of invited judges. The Ballet Class, for this award, is a set class that students have prepared. This contains Pointe Work for the ladies and aspects for the male students who take part in the award. The day not only celebrates the life of Cyril Beaumont, an acclaimed influencer in Ballet of the 20th Century, but also is chance for students to be merited on their Dance merit, including an award for best male and an award for musicality.
For KS Dance this event, each year, holds much prestige with many former winners now perfoming with Ballet companies around the globe.
This year the event takes place on 12th October and will see over 20 students, across all 3 vocational years, perform in adjudicated classes with the prize being contribution towards Dance tuition fees.
We welcome all to observe the event and if you are interested in being a part of this wonderful tradition please get in touch.